American Kestrels in the US have declined by 50% in the last 50 years and scientists are struggling to understand...
Wild animal microbiomes have received minimal research and we often don’t know what constitutes a "healthy...
This project intends to create a major entomology collection housed in Belize and to conduct bat inventories...
Tanzania is the primary remaining stronghold of lions, however the numbers are declining precipitously...
Tooth and jaw (temporomandibular) joint (TMJ) diseases are common in certain wildlife species and may be...
The western blacklegged tick carries the pathogens B. burgdorferi (cause of Lyme disease) and B. miyamotoi...
We are developing an intervention that takes a new approach to distraction in ADHD. Our goal is to use this...
"My goal is to help protect California's natural legacy in an increasingly modified landscape, with the...
Marine predators are an important part of our ocean's ecosystems. However, overfishing has reduced predator...
Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus hemorrhagic disease (EEHV-HD) is the leading cause of death of young...
Distemper is a contagious frequently lethal disease that threatens many wild mammals, including endangered...