Sacramento, CA
Sacramento City College Department of Biological Sciences
Hi Everyone!I wanted to draw your attention to this website ( It's to report ringtail sightings but also to provide a bunch of great information about ringtails. Ta... and the California Ringtail Project is now sporting some t-shirts on Bonfire!! The campaign ends in two weeks (on March 22nd) so if you are interested in sporting a T-Shirt with...
Hi Folks!Attached is the latest distribution map (as of March 5th) that has been compiled by Kristyn Schulte (this is a different database than what is shown in the iNaturalist mapping). The differ...
Here are some wildlife camera videos of ringtails...The first one is of an adult and two youngsters:Here is another video of the adult and two youngsters...A Gray Fox visits the same tree in a late...
Hiya...our second logo didn't attach properly to the last labnote. So, here it is....
We have a logo for the California Ringtail Project. So there will likely be some "ringtail bling" coming out soon...we're thinking hats, shirts, stickers,...maybe even a travel mug!Kristyn was fort...
Hiya Ringtail Fans!Sorry it's been a little bit of time since I posted a Lab swamped, but will make up for it now. I wanted to attach the current iNaturalist Distribution Map for ringta...
Hi Folks! I wanted to post a photo showing an example of some of the cameras we'll be sending to collaborators for this citizen/community-science project. As I said previously, we're going predomin...
Hi Folks!Just a start-off note about the camera equipment we'll be using for this project. How did we select these cameras and how do we know they will work? Well, that story goes back over a decad...