How do microplastics interact with other particles in aquatic environments?

In this research project, we will use controlled biofouling experiments to quantify the progressive colonization...

Combining technologies to study reef recovery trajectories

Understanding the dynamics of coral reef recovery is of great importance as reefs are experiencing severe...

Manipulating structural complexity to bolster restoration efforts on Hawaiian coral reefs

This study investigates how altering module structures impacts coral fragment fusion, growth, and survival...

Are deep-sea metals powering bioelectrical eco-evolution?

The deep sea is enriched with metals and amazing life forms. Electroactive microbes can get energy from...

How carbon sequestration is modulated by Mycorrhizal and soil bacteria symbionts in Abies trees?

Mycorrhizal communities are a fundamental mutualistic interaction between soil fungi and trees. However...

Rolling in the deep: Neptune balls as plastic sentinels

Plastic pollution poses a significant threat to marine ecosystems. Seagrass beds have been recognized as...

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