The California Ringtail Project: capturing ringtails on wildlife cameras towards conservation efforts

The ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) is a protected mammal species in California yet there is a significant...

Ghost sharks in the Dominican Republic? Efforts to reduce phantom diversity of elasmobranchs in Samaná

Shark species in the DR are classified as VU, EN, and CR on the National Red List. Also, a near-zero presence...

Exploring African biodiversity with an open-source educational program in Plant Synthetic Biology

Much of Africa's plants have not been studied. As a non-profit, SynBio4ALL aims to study plant biodiversity...

Empowering high school students in genome sequencing and bioinformatics

This project transforms HS science education by integrating real-time DNA barcoding and bioinformatics into...

Investigating sage ecosystems as hotspots for atmospheric methane removal

Soil bacteria remove ~30 Mt of methane/year from the atmosphere, but this rate varies strongly with land...

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