Dedicated to Building a More Humane and Healthy Planet
Ocean acidification (OA) exacerbated by climate change is a current environmental stressor affecting Marine...
Humpback whales are important marine mammals that help maintain ocean food webs and ecological processes...
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are difficult to enforce due to their remoteness and often invisible borders...
There is a huge gap in knowledge of deep seafloor habitats. Current methods of studying the deep seafloor...
Shark species in the DR are classified as VU, EN, and CR on the National Red List. Also, a near-zero presence...
Caribbean marine biodiversity is under critical threat from climate change and human pressures, losing...
Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) face growing threats from human activities, particularly in ecotourism hotspots...
Climate change and events that modify the global temperature and precipitation dynamics such as “El Niño...
Carbon-rich mangroves are being deforested globally, but a rare project has 'successfully' conserved and...