Uncovering a novel, rapid, touch-induced aromatic signaling mechanism in Vicks plants

When touched or shaken, Vicks plants emit a rapid, aromatic defense signal across their branches—much faster...

Vision for the future: Understanding perceptual strategies following visual loss

Many people will experience a decline in vision at some point in their life. For many people, this may be...

Can we decipher vocalizations of parrots in a complex social network?

Parrots can "talk" like humans. However, whether their complex vocalizations follow syntactic rules and...

Growing symbiotic new senses for humans

This project seeks to experiment with haptic sensory substitution ("a way to bypass one traditional sensory...

Can we find a quantifiable correlation between attention and flow state?

Flow, aka "the zone", is at the center of peak performance and intrinsic motivation. Despite such benefits...

What can cephalopods teach us about spatial memory and learning?

Cephalopods and vertebrates have gone through similar circumstances that required adaptations such as learning...

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