Hi everyone. The past month has been a very active one for our project. In a nutshell, I spent a lot of time training different ML models to achieve satisfactory performance for our data-set. In th...
Hello to everyone who has been following the development of our project. Well, "following" might be a big stretch in this case since we haven't really shared updates for the past seven months. Sinc...
Hello everyone. First of all, happy new year! We hope it's been a good one so far (and continue like that)!So, we're excited to share the progress of our project. Since our last lab note in early D...
With fund secured, we are very happy to start the work on this research project. And we want to say thank you for everyone who has made it possible, especially ESP's Science Leads: Maddie Cusimano ...
2023 is at its final month! And what a fertile year it has been!It's been roughtly 3 months since I last wrote a labnote, which turned out to be one of the most sucessful ones I've writeen (viz wis...
Since the beginning of this experiment I have dreamed of the possibilities of enhancing human perception via biosignals from other living beings. And while that vision stays as solid as before, I h...
The "Growing symbiotic new senses for humans" experiment continues to progress and in this labnote I'm happy to introduce the main sensing piece of this project, the SymBioSense plant biologger."De...
According to the "moon updated timeline" of the project, by the July Full Moon I was expecting to "Have a functional SymBioWare end-user friendly version." This is not the case 😅So many things hav...
Wow. Zuzalu happened and now I’m back home. Still digesting everything that happened there, while rejoining the same daily activities as before. But will it ever be the same? It’s incredible to con...