Sydney Chertoff

Sydney Chertoff


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Mar 01, 2017


First, thank you again to all of you amazing donors, supporters, and just incredible people! We could not have done this without you. We successfully ordered our eye tracking equipm...

Group 6 Copy 153
Published on Nov 24, 2016

WE MADE IT!!! $5000!!!!

None of us can believe that we made it to $5000 but we did! All because of you guys! So thank you so so much! We will continue to post lab notes and updates on the work going on! We will also let y...

Group 6 Copy 96
Published on Nov 21, 2016

Stretch GOALS!!!

Thank yous to all of our amazing supporters! It is because all of you that we are now posting our stretch goals! What are stretch goals? Exactly what they sound like. Stretch goals are what we inte...

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Published on Nov 20, 2016

So close!!!

Wow! We are so close to reaching our goal and it is all because of you guys! Thank you all so much for all of your support in this crazy process. It has been such an interesting pro...

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Published on Nov 20, 2016

Another update!

We have officially started collecting data! Yay! It is not very complex data and currently consists of marking tallies each time a gorilla either walks by and looks at the Ipad or if they come over...

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Published on Nov 13, 2016

Mass update!

Hello all! So sorry to have been absent for so long, but it has been for all the right reasons. The gorillas have been busy painting away! So far they have painted some beautiful or...

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Published on Nov 13, 2016

New stand!

We have officially received and built our new stand, and it is absolutely beautiful! We are so excited to test it out and start collecting data on the gorillas! We plan on test driving the stand to...

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Published on Nov 13, 2016

Stands, stands, and more stands!!!

As with all projects, sometimes things just don't work out. Our original stand just was not doing the trick any more so we decided to order a new one! Yay! However, the project must go on so, for a...

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Published on Nov 04, 2016

Day 6

Unfortunately, the Ipad we have been using did break, but the good news is we have a backup! Regular sessions will resume on the 6th after we return from a primate conference where ...

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Show more updates
Ornaments and magnets are being sold for 7 dollars and 4 dollars respectively. We are selling them at a few events, but if any one is interested you can contact me either through the site or at I would be more than happy to send something in the mail or work something ou...more