Jennifer Fill

Jennifer Fill


Published on Apr 18, 2017

Two Years

Two years ago, you all made it possible for me to come to South Africa for an unforgettable journey of practical, influential research and personal discovery.  I cannot thank you en...

Group 6 Copy 75
Published on Dec 07, 2016

Who Let the Toads Out?

For those of you who haven't heard of the Mannequin Challenge, it's the term for a video in which a group of real people pose as mannequins frozen in action in a situation or scene.Our lab rose to ...

Group 6 Copy 108
Published on Dec 04, 2016

Rolling out Results

It has been a bit of a hiatus here from the writing, but not from the working!I'm extremely pleased to announce that we have published our second article on invasive alien plant clearing in the Wes...

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Published on Jul 13, 2016

Hot Stuff

Great news, and hot off the press!Our first article on controlling invasive alien plants in the Western Cape has been published in the international journal Biological Conservation:Historical costs...

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Published on Mar 22, 2016

Making Some Noise, Making a Difference

Exciting news! The first paper is in the pipeline!This project represents a strong collaboration of SANParks, Cape Nature, and Stellenbosch University to make a difference in the South African gove...

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Published on Dec 12, 2015

Another Lab Coat

Scientists aren't always just scientists....They can be firefighters!I am proud to finally celebrate a goal that you have helped me achieve. I set this goal six months ago as I left the prescribed ...

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Published on Dec 12, 2015

No Frosty Here...

Merry Christmas in summer?!?Well, I am not a fan of snow so it will certainly be a merry one for me! Christmas in South Africa (or at least in the Western Cape) consists of having braai's (barbecu...

Group 6 Copy 38
Published on Oct 03, 2015

Of frogs, fire, and flowers

Well folks it has been a busy September! And for all you Northern hemisphere-ers who are looking for your winter jackets, we are pulling out the shorts and t-shirts!We began sampling vegetation in...

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Published on Aug 31, 2015

Silent Stories

On the surface, a "field site" might just seem to be a location where you search for study animals, sample your vegetation species of interest, or take soil samples. You then write a paper, tellin...

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Reply to:Thomas FillThomas Fill
Giovanni is the one holding the dustpan and the yogurt container!
Apparently this winter is supposed to be VERY wet! :D
Reply to:Greg FriegerGreg Frieger
Thanks for the questions, Greg! Most of the Arthroleptella species have just one call (and some species have very similar calls), but the moss frog Debra studied (see this lab note: has three. We're not sure exactly what each indicates, but that definitely posed ...more
We so badly need the rain! My colleague who studies invasive crayfish did some fieldwork near Swaziland, visiting locations (rivers) where she'd been told the crayfish are. And the rivers are dry!
Hahaha! Your message got cut off here but Experiment also sends it via email. Now all the R developers need to do is make the help as user-friendly as ArcGIS!
Hahaha!!!! We northerners have so much to learn....!! I bet all those explosive breeders are going nuts!!!
Reply to:Shizhong  HanShizhong Han
Thanks Han!! I wish I could take you to see these sites too!
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