Soil Amendment in Kenya on Medium and Small Scale Farming Using Bio-Fertilizer Obtained from Cowpea and Peanut Nodules.

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About This Project

This research aims to provide affordable and environment friendly fertilizer to farmers for rational decision making for their livelihoods in legume production and conserving environment. We propose that inoculation of peanut and cowpea with rhizobia would improve their growth and production hence, different native rhizobia will have various abilities for fixing nitrogen in the farms across the 47 counties of kenya based on different soil conditions.

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What is the context of this research?

This project will assess the main constraints to enhanced use of legumes for multiple purposes such as food and nutrition, fodder, fuel and organic nitrogen, including market and value chain aspects. It will also contribute interventions related to productivity aspects, including aspects of soil-plant interaction (Nitrogen Fixation) and soil health, develop quantitative tools for assessing contributions of cowpea and peanut to farming systems, novel practices for using these crops in intensified dairy production, and enhance natural resource integrity through inclusion of nodules collected from legume trees found in tropical Kakamega rain forest. The project will tap into the partnerships network of community reach in order to capacity build on climate smart agriculture through utilization of leguminous crops.

What is the significance of this project?

Disparities in soil nutrients, pollution, compaction, acidification, salinization, physical health of the soil, and soil organic matter levels are all related to changes in soil conditions leading to decline in soil fertility. This research focuses on assessing and characterize root nodulating rhizobia, the relationship between plants and soil bacteria that allow plants to use atmospheric nitrogen with high through put molecular technique and identify strains that can adapt to soil pH in Kenya. Nodules will be used for isolation of bacterial strains for the purpose of creating bio-fertilizer an alternative to synthetic fertilizer that is associated with high prices to poor farmers. The results of this study could be very helpful in choosing rhizobium strains that are tolerant to cowpea and peanuts, as well as in evaluating the effects of these strains on other crops to determine the best possible plant-rhizobium interaction.

What are the goals of the project?

The goal of the project is to improve food and nutrition security, reduce poverty, and enhance eco-friendly fertilizer by smallholder farmers and rural populations through affordable fertilizer. Our projection is to build resilience and agricultural sustainability for climate change adaptations strategies scalable to various vulnerable communities and regions based on the farming practices. In addition, we intend to provide knowledge and tools to farmers and stakeholders interacting with farmers to make rational decisions for enhancing short and long-term contributions of cowpea and peanut crops to farmer livelihoods including aspects of legume production, input supply systems, and markets.


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My Budget items will necessitate turning this project from a ‘classical’ research theme into novel science for development in the following ways (i) build on and analyze past successes and failures with cowpea and peanut intensification, (ii) use demand- rather than supply-driven approaches, the latter being a common feature of legume intensification projects by understanding soil components associated with poor yields in cowpea and peanut production (iii) Performing tests to find genes associated with diseases affecting these crops, (iv) condense all learning into Biological Nitrogen Fixation, a decision support framework for legume intensification, and (v) assemble value chain stakeholders in Kenya platforms to facilitate legume uptake and utilization. My budget items will make me prioritize tasks and make decisions according to the set objectives and hypotheses.

Project Timeline

This project is projected to be completed in a period of two and a half years with periodic meetings with key stakeholders including researchers, farmers and other supporting actors to consider progress on project activities and to synthesize lessons learnt. These reflections will be used to adjust plans for the subsequent year. Partners will form the basis for monitoring progress with project activities and adjustment can be made where necessary.

Feb 15, 2025

Assessing current contributions of legumes and farming practices to rural livelihods in Kenya through questionnaires. This will include getting relevant research permits.

Jun 27, 2025

Nodule sampling, Isolation and culturing. Will be done by visiting farmers across the country. Some Nodules will be acquired from the forest through a botanist.

Aug 15, 2025

Plant reinfection assay/Kochs Postulate for the purpose of authentication whether I have rhizobia isolates or not.

Dec 19, 2025

Molecular characterization. Perform Molecular work  using housekeeping genes and other markers: ITS, rpoB, GyrB,  MLSA. Sequencing and histology will be done..

Mar 31, 2026

Acquisition of accessions from Research institute, Greenhouse experiments and Determination of total nitrogen content using Djedahl method and using SPAD

Meet the Team

Samuel Mulama
Samuel Mulama

Samuel Mulama

I am Samuel Ashibila Mulama, born and raised in western Kenya (Kakamega), I went through elimentary education in western Kenya, did my Bsc. in biotechnology at masinde Muliro University of science and technology (MMUST) and graduated in 2012, later, I graduated in 2023 with Msc in molecular biology from the same University and currently I am pursuing a phD in Molecular biology and part of my Research will be done at IRD, Montpellier France. I am a competent and dedicated graduate with excellent interpersonal communication skills. My desire is to make significant contributions to agricultural research system in our society with emphasis on microbiology, plant nutrition, climate change and adaptation in sustainable agriculture.

Lab Notes

Nothing posted yet.

Additional Information

This Project will work within Kenya more specifically in Western part of Kenya due to the following reasons:

(i) High population densities requiring intensification of agricultural systems,
(ii) Availability of earlier experiences with legume activities such as bean and soybeans, to ensure that this project advances legume science

(iii) Diverse current smallholder livelihood conditions (e.g., food security status, poverty, malnutrition, gender, soil toicity due to overconsumption of synthetic fertilizer and natural resource integrity)

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  • 0%Funded
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