How does the carnivorous plant, Drosophyllum lusitanicum, persist in dry habitats?

Raised of $4,444 Goal
Ended on 9/19/17
Campaign Ended
  • $1,186
  • 27%
  • Finished
    on 9/19/17



In spring 2019 (during my sabbatical leave), I will visit several sites containing the Portuguese sundew in southern Spain. At each site, I will locate numerous patches of the plant, paired with adjacent areas that lack the sundew, but which contain patches of select noncarnivorous plant species. The roots of these species will be characterized with respect to water and nutrient uptake function. Simultaneously within each pair of patches, I will take measurements of moisture- and non-moisture-related variables (e.g. humidity, soil moisture, disturbance, shade, nutrients). I will use discriminant analysis to determine if conditions differ between adjacent patches and whether moisture variables are the most important distinguishing factors.

Pre Analysis Plan

I will use discriminant analysis to determine if conditions differ between adjacent patches and whether moisture variables are the most important distinguishing factors.


This project has not yet shared any protocols.