Athens, Georgia

Studying South American fur seals in northern Patagonia, Chile

The largest breeding colony for the South American fur seal in Chile is on remote Guafo Island in northern...

Sequencing the Cactus Genome to Discover the Secret of Drought Resistance

Cacti are used for food, have been linked to healthier diets and disease prevention, and even serve as a...

Regulation of Spore Dormancy in Pathogenic Fungi

Tiny fungal spores and yeast forms are found in the soil, air, and water. Infection takes hold when spores...

Chernobyl’s Legacy: Does radiation exposure affect parasite and disease rates in two of Chernobyl's carnivores?

Radioactive material released by the Chernobyl accident is claimed to have created one of the largest ecological...

An 8000-year History of Climate and Environmental Change in Páramo of Central Costa Rica

Páramo, high-elevation tundra ecosystem, is considered as an important biodiversity hotspot. Páramo is...

Friends and does an artificial termite mound affect the social behavior of gorilla groups?

Gorillas, like people, are incredibly social animals. I am studying how a clumped and social-foraging resource...

Are Costa Rican salamanders susceptible to Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans?

The emergent fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), poses a significant threat to global...