Sharon E. Holte

Sharon E. Holte

Hot Springs, SD

The Mammoth Site

Director of Education


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Sep 20, 2019

Day 5 - What is happening at The Mammoth Site?

Today, I did not make it out to the cave, but I did stick around The Mammoth Site! There is a lot happening here too! For about every hour of field work there is anywhere between 10 and a 100 hours...

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Published on Sep 19, 2019

Day 4 - Do you have a guess??

Today we exposed more of the skeleton we found in the cave yesterday!Did you guys have a guess??

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Published on Sep 18, 2019

Day 3 - Let the excitement begin!

Today was chilly and rainy... but perfect weather in the cave! We began focusing on taking down one excavation square so we can dig back further in time. Bob, one of our volunteers, uncovered a par...

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Published on Sep 17, 2019

Day 2 - First day of excavation

Today we ventured into the cave and cleared our dig squares for excavation. The cave was a little stinky due to a squirrel finding his way into the cave, but not a way back out. We also found anoth...

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Published on Sep 16, 2019

Day 1 - Setup

Today we set up for the new field season at the cave! It was a perfect day to clear the road and test out our skills against poison ivy. We brought all our equipment up to the cave site and set-up...

Group 6 Copy 242
Published on May 07, 2019

Only 7 hours left!! And $245 dollars short!

we are so close to funding our cave research project! Please take a moment and donate! Every dollar counts! If we don’t meet our goal we don’t recieve any funds. Today’s research brought many more ...

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Published on May 06, 2019

Discoveries and more mud

today we found a number of new fossil Bison bones!! And lots of mud! It’s only 8 pm and everyone is calling it quits for the night because we are exhausted! Lots of digging and getting stuck in the...

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Published on May 05, 2019

Mud and more mud!!!

We made it to Minnesota! And we are starting our first day at the Snake River Fossil Site! Jim introduced the crew to the game plan for tomorrow. We have already found two bison bones! An upper...

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Published on May 05, 2019

Only two days left! Want to hear more about our current excavation? or about our cave project?... now is the time to contribute

We have so many exciting adventures going on with our Mammoth Site crew! and I would love to continue sharing them with you!! We are just shy of reaching our goal! If you would like to follow us on...

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