Mary Jo Austin

Mary Jo Austin

Primate Expertise, Center for Natural Science Research Lwiro, Strong Roots Congo, Lwiro Primate Sanctuary, Institute Congolese for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN)

Mary Jo Austin, MSc


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Aug 27, 2021

24 Hours left

There is 24 hours left in my campaign if you want to share with your network and encourage others to contribute. I want to acknowledge my amazing research assistants. Without them I would not be ab...

Group 6 Copy 380
Published on Aug 26, 2021

Not too late to contribute

Hello/Jambo/Bonjour/AlohaThanks again to all who have contributed and supported my project. I have reached my goal thanks to you. If you know anyone that may still be interested in contributing, it...

Group 6 Copy 297
Published on Aug 23, 2021


I learned yesterday that my campaign has been FULLY FUNDED! Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed to and supported by project! I am truly grateful. This is not only helpful to me, but help...

Backers Only
Group 6 Copy 56
Published on Aug 21, 2021

Planning / Next steps

Planning / Next stepsMy team and I are currently assessing the next site to collect data. My assistants and I have now finished collecting data in two villages that are located on the northern edge...

Group 6 Copy 396
Published on Aug 08, 2021

Return from 2nd field site

Just returned on Friday from the 2nd field site in the village of Bushali in the groupement of Kalambo in the chefferie of Burhinyi. The most stark observation is the landscape matrix dominated by ...

Group 6 Copy 376
Published on Jul 23, 2021

Second Field Site Preparations

We are preparing to go to the field again this Tuesday the 27th of July. We will go to the Groupement of Kalambo in the Chefferie of Burhinyi in the South Kivu Province. It is just North of Itombwe...

Group 6 Copy 257
Published on Jul 15, 2021

First site data collection

My awesome team and I finished data collection at the first field site. We went to a village called Kalundu in the Chefferie of Basile. We conducted interviews with traditional leaders and had focu...

Group 6 Copy 177
Published on Jun 10, 2021


Group 6 Copy 54
Published on Jun 10, 2021

Delayed but making progress

Hello, I finally made it to Bukavu on Saturday June 5th. Since arriving, I have had several meetings with colleagues for planning field data collection. I have also secured one Congolese research a...

Group 6 Copy 77
Reply to:Stan MillerStan Miller
Thanks Stan. Maybe we can discuss. This could be interesting.
Thank you Jude! I really appreciate your support and contribution!