Dear all! I've started to distribute the "movable" perks. Now, obviously, the thesis will take a lot more time and those of you who have signed up for a copy will be kept in the loop about it. I've...
Today’s my last day here on Oahu and although I’m sad to leave, I’m also ready to go home and start working on writing the PhD.Of course, I’m back at the Writing Group in Ala Moana. These guys are ...
You’d think things would slow down towards the end of my stay. I can assure you, that’s not the case. I’ve done more interviews and will be doing even more next week. But mostly, I’ve tried to make...
This was the fastest passing week of the whole trip so far. I feel it’s only just been Sunday and I’m back at the Writing Group at Ala Moana to write about my week again. Although puzzled why that ...
And another week here on Oahu is coming to an end. I’ve established a routine, but depending on the day, the routine keeps changing. So I guess it’s not a routine after all. Last week saw several h...
This past week has seen many wonderful reconnections with old ukulele friends, great discussion on ukulele technique and absolutely fascinating archive work.I've spent three afternoons in the Hawai...
So, I've arrived on Wednesday night here in Honolulu, after a somewhat adventurous journey through Vancouver (if you ever transit through Canada, know, that you need an ETA...). Until I safely arri...
In a few days I’ll be off to Hawaii. Still quite unbelievable really. Until then, there is still a lot to do. One last workshop weekend to add to the travel fund you all so kindly started. Organizi...
We're entering the final stage of this truly amazing experience so far! And I've got a super special perk for you!Some of you might know that I played a show at the HoffArt Theater in Darmstadt ear...
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