David Wyatt

David Wyatt

May 30, 2014

Group 6 Copy 109

Hello from the Mojave Desert!

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  • Oscar Jasklowski
    Oscar JasklowskiBacker
    What a cool lizard! Do you know why the pattern on his/her back is so different to the spotting pattern on the head and tail?
    Jun 02, 2014
  • David Wyatt
    David WyattResearcher
    Hi Oscar. Great observation! This is a male based on his bright colors and also the size of his interfemoral pores (these are pores along the leading edge of what would be equivalent to our femur - males have large pores while females have small pores). I'm only speculating here but oftentimes lizards will have varied patterns to break up their body shape to make it harder for predators (and prey) to see them. This is especially true with the vertical striping - like in zebras - that really break up the body pattern. Also, different developmental genes are at work in the midsection of the body, thus for reproductive success, males exhibit bright colors during the reproductive season - thus the middle of the body serves as this "flag". All-in-all, this collared lizard was a great find.
    Jun 03, 2014

About This Project

This project intends to create a major entomology collection housed in Belize and to conduct bat inventories while in Belize. The Maya Mountains of Belize are a biological hotspot located in one of the fastest growing regions of our planet (Central America). Yet, even with this growth, Belize has chosen to protect over one-quarter of their country as parks and preserves! Biological inventories help to better understand these protected areas.
Blast off!

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