Anole Housing Protocol
In this experiment, the effect of increased stress levels caused by agitation, and the correlation of light levels and temperature on the color changing ability of Anolis carolinensis will be tested. There will be 1 240 gallon terrarium where 40 female anoles will be housed when not being tested. They will be observed in this terrarium for 2 weeks before testing begins, to ensure they are all healthy. All unhealthy anoles will be replaced with healthy ones. To identify individuals, lizards will be tagged with queen bee marker, attached using non-toxic super glue. Anoles will be tested in a 10-gallon terrarium setup simulating the habitat of Anolis carolinensis. There will be 4 10-gallon terrariums setup for testing. It will have 2.5 cm of coconut fiber substrate, fake vines and fake plants, a food and water dish, and a ceramic heat emitter sitting on 2 bricks stacked vertically (for elevation). A compact UVB light will be used for lighting, and the light and ceramic heat emitter will turn on at 7:00 am and turn off at 7:00 pm every day. A basking temperature of 32ºC will be maintained using a thermostat and the humidity will be kept between 60-70%. The terrarium will be misted twice a day (once in the morning and once at night) to regulate the humidity and provide water. Each anole will be fed 2-3 medium Blaptica dubia 5 days a week, dusted with calcium powder 3 times a week, and will receive a powdered multivitamin supplement once every 2 weeks instead of the calcium supplement. A partition will be placed between the terrariums and the rest of the room, so that any movement outside of the terrariums does not influence the anoles behavior.
The anole will live in the 10 gallon terrarium for 3 days prior to testing to acclimate to conditions, and will then be exposed to different stimuli. Only one stimulus will be tested a day to ensure that the anole’s behavior will not be influenced by stress or the prior stimulus. While testing the effect of light level and temperature, each stimulus will be introduced at 8:00 am and removed at 10:00 am. Once all of the stimuli have been tested for the first trial, the anole will return to the community (240 gallon) terrarium while the other anoles will be tested. Once the first trial is complete for all of the anoles, the anoles will be tested again in the same order. This order will be repeated for the second and third trials. Throughout the duration of the project, anoles will be handled only when required to reduce stress in specimens.
- Published on Sep 03, 2019
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