Activate your cells youth

Raised of $60,000 Goal
Ended on 6/01/24
Campaign Ended
  • $2,500
  • 5%
  • Finished
    on 6/01/24

About This Project

We managed to obtain very young cells from adult organism (VYC), which we believe, under proper conditions, have potency to be transformed into any cell type necessary for regeneration and rejuvenation of the body. Thus, this approach could prove to be an effective means of naturally and safely slowing down or halting the progression of age-related diseases and aging.

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What is the context of this research?

Every year, around 60 million people die worldwide, most from age-related diseases and aging itself. Despite numerous aging hypotheses none have substantial proof to date. Medicine has learned to treat, not cure, these diseases, merely slowing their progression. While a healthy lifestyle improves life quality, it doesn't enable the majority to surpass 100 years. Current research mostly aims to add life to years, not years to life, with calorie restriction showing the most effect even in mice, but only to a limited extent. Senolytics, antioxidants, rapamycin, and metformin are less effective, extending lifespan no more than 30% in long-lived mouse strain, even less in humans. Our company aims to make probable to surpass the maximum lifespan limits with our very young cells.

What is the significance of this project?

As we age, our cells age too, and number of stem cells decrease. By the age 40-50, age-related diseases begin to emerge, reducing the ability to repair various types of damage that accumulate over time. We believe that by replacing old cells with one's own young cells, free from accumulated damage and with potential to fully correct new errors in genome, proteins, and mitochondria, we can halt age-related decline. We have already obtained cells from one of our researchers that show signs of being very young. These cells could revolutionize cell technology, offering the ability to obtain one's own very young cells with full regenerative potential, without using Yamanaka factors and without causing tumors.

What are the goals of the project?

Our goal to demonstrate the versatility of obtained very young cells and confirm their safety in preclinical models for use in medical and anti-aging therapy. To achieve this, we plan to: Determine the age of these very young human cells using epigenetic clock. Show these cells' ability to specialize into ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal cell types. Prove the absence of tumor when introduced into immuno-deficient nude mice, compared to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Success will provide the necessary evidence to proceed toward clinical trials.


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The budget items play a critical role in ensuring the successful completion of the project. Here's how each item contributes: Materials and Disposables: These are essential for the day-to-day experimental procedures, such as isolating and processing the cells (culture media, required reagents, etc.). Estimated cost: $8000. Equipment outsourcing: Specialized equipment (flow cytometer) is necessary for the task of sorting and collecting very young cells. Estimated cost: $6000. Preclinical CRO: A CRO will conduct necessary animal experiment to test the safety of isolated then sorted cells. Estimated cost: $16000. Labor: The personnel working on the project are a key resource. Estimated cost: $30000.

Total Budget: $60,000.

Endorsed by

I am MD with an extensive expertise of cancer research, I look forward to the potential of this project. The idea of getting hold of very young cells and using their healing powers seems like a powerful tool against diseases related to aging and slowing down the aging process itself. I commend the team for prioritizing the safety and flexibility of these cells, which could significantly impact medical treatments and aging interventions. I anticipate observing the outcomes of their early studies with interest.

Project Timeline

1st Major step: Demonstrate the ability of very young cells to differentiate into ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal lineages. 2d Major step: Validate the absence of tumors upon the introduction of very young cells in immunodeficient mice (as compared to the introduction of IPSCs).

Apr 17, 2024

Project Launched

Jun 28, 2024

Obtaining of Very Young Cells from Adult Organism

Jul 31, 2024

Demonstrate the ability of very young cells to differentiate into ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal lineages.

Sep 30, 2024

Validate the absence of tumors upon the introduction of very young cells in immunodeficient mice

Meet the Team

Eugene Baranov
Eugene Baranov
Principal Investigator

Team Bio

Robert M. Hoffman, Ph.D. President of AntiCancer, Inc, founded by him in 1986, leading it to pioneer Patient-Derived Orthotopic Xenograft (PDOX) models and groundbreaking methioninase research, targeting cancer methionine dependency. With over 1200 publications, his outstanding work offers new cancer models and pathways in cancer therapy, significantly impacting the field.

Eugene Baranov

Dr. Eugene Baranov boasts a distinguished career at the forefront of medical innovation with over two decades of experience. Commencing his career as a Visiting Professor after earning his PhD, he embarked on pioneering cancer research at UNSW, Sydney, Australia. His impactful contributions continued at AntiCancer, Inc, San Diego, where he authored over 30 articles in highly ranked journals such as Cell, Cancer Cell, PNAS and secured several patents.

Transitioning to Stemedica Cell Technologies, Dr. Baranov served as Vice President of Global Research, leading the development of stem cell therapeutics for diverse medical conditions. His leadership played a pivotal role in securing essential capital for the Company, emphasizing his dedication to progressive healthcare solutions. Notably, he oversaw pilot clinical trials involving hundreds of patients with various pathologies and directed numerous preclinical tests for stem cells and stem cell-derived products.

Subsequently. as Managing Director at AntiCA Biomed, he co-founded the company and provided scientific direction in crafting cancer treatment utilizing innovative cell technology. Presently, at BioIntercept start-up, Dr. Baranov leads the "Activate the Youth in Your Cells" project, aiming to redefine anti-aging medicine by leveraging young cells from aged organisms.

His strong commitment to improving human health through new cell therapies means that in the future, we could better treat age-related diseases, leading to a whole new way of approaching anti-aging therapy.

Lab Notes

Nothing posted yet.

Additional Information

Scientists have long debated when aging begins. Recent finding suggest that aging starts early in embryonic development, ending rejuvenation phase: DOI:

There are four main approaches to cellular anti-aging therapy worldwide:

1. Using one's own aged cells, multiplied in vitro: Mainly mesenchymal stem cells and fibroblasts. This therapy has an effect, but it is minimal and not applicable to all-aged related diseases because the multiplied cells remain aged.

2. Using young cells from others: The effect is better than using one's own aged cells. However, these foreign cells quickly die in the body. The effect is due to stimulation of local tissue-specific stem cells through the action of exosomes and factors produced by those allogeneic cells.

3. Introducing one's own embryonic-like pluripotent cells obtained in vitro from aged organism cells - technology of reprogramming into iPSCs using Yamanaka factors and Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Technology (SCNT). Despite increasing research, avoiding the risk of tumors with these approaches remains challenging, Additionally SCNT faces regulatory hurdles.

4. In-body reprogramming without loosing cell identity: In this method, cells do not reach pluripotent stage, so the risk of tumors is much lower. However, controlling the effect on all cell types is difficult, and the risk of complications and tumors remains. This method cannot guarantee complete rejuvenation.

We offer a safer and more cross-effective alternative to these cellular therapies. Our innovation in harvesting and utilizing these very young cells seeks to overcome current limitations in cell therapy, offering a viable solution to significantly enhance the treatment of age-related conditions and aging signs, with potential to prevent diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Project Backers

  • 11Backers
  • 5%Funded
  • $2,500Total Donations
  • $227.27Average Donation
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