Public Health


The field of public health focuses on improving overall health and safety and affects populations at all levels, from families to communities, individual countries to the whole world. It includes epidemiology, health services and policies, biostatistics, and social and behavioral sciences, and environmental health.

The Projects

Browse the participating projects

Can A Drone Monitor Park-based Physical Activity?

An urban park is a free or low-cost setting of physical activity with convenient access. While various monitoring...

Sexual health literacy among female youths in Nigeria

Sub-saharan Africa accounts for >70% of the global HIV/AIDS burden (AVERT, 2016). In Nigeria, 1 in 4...

Postpartum Mental Health Needs of Hispanic Mothers

Postpartum mood disorders represent a critical public health issue affecting mothers and their children...

Antibiotics and Affect: Avenues for Addiction Management

Addictions to cocaine and other stimulant 'designer' drugs remain unaided by pharmacotherapies. Several...

The Health Justice Project: Using digital stories to address health disparities as a social justice issue

The purpose of this project is to examine the link between racial and social injustice based on one's minority...

How Can Tattoo Artists Help Prevent Human Trafficking?

Women who are sex trafficked often have tattoos such as bar codes, a dollar sign or the name of their trafficker...

More About This Challenge

The sciency details

Challenge Amount:
Submission Deadline:
Nov 30, 2016
Campaign Launch:
Jan 05, 2017

Frequently Asked Questions

How do challenge grants work?

This challenge is for projects that launch crowdfunding campaigns by January 5th, 2016. The projects with the most backers after three weeks will receive an additional grant up to $500. Eligible projects must be approved before the launch deadline. Researchers from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK are welcome to submit. For all others, please get in touch!

When will the grant be awarded?

On January 26th at 5PM PT, the prizes will be awarded according to the posted schedule.

Can I still submit a project?

We are no longer accepting projects for this grant, however we will be launching many more challenge grant opportunities. Sign up for our mailing list for up-to-date community news.

Please Note:

If we see suspicious acitivity of researchers or backers potentially cheating during the challenge, the project will be completely disqualified from winning the grant.

Challenge Aims

Researchers in public health fields study the spread and control of diseases, how to improve access to health care, best practices to mitigate environmental hazards, and other issues that affect groups of people both large and small. In tackling a range of scientific and social questions, they help inform  policies and encourage healthier lifestyles and environments. This grant challenge highlights the preventative measures, education, and interdisciplinary collaboration used to inform public health policy.

The challenge is an invitation to any researchers, scientists, doctors, community organizers, or policymakers working on public health issues or studying current worldwide or local health issues.

A few topics of interest:

  • Biostatistics studies
  • Health education and access to medical care in low-income communities
  • Monitoring of environmental hazards
  • Epidemiology and infectious disease transmission
  • Vaccination studies
  • Obesity and diabetes
  • Drinking water and sanitation in developing countries
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Maternal health
  • Smoking and tobacco usage

Project Eligilibity

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