Hi everyone, It’s been a full year since we tagged Striped Bass with the acoustic tags you helped fund. Since the acoustic tags have a battery life of roughly two years, we are still getting dete...
Hey everyone,It's been a long road, but this past week I finished tagging fish! All 12 tags are implanted into striped bass and hopefully providing us with some interesting and important informatio...
Hi Everyone,It's hard to believe, but this summer is in full swing and my project is starting to ramp up! I've spent the last two months prepping for our big field-day and last week we finally depl...
Thank you everyone for your extreme generosity and support! At the start of this crowd-funding campaign $10,000 seemed like an unreachable target. But 35 days, 5940 page-views, 3 newspaper articles...
10 days left and $3,000 to go! I am so thankful to everyone that has donated and helped spread the word. Please check out this short video which answers a couple more questions asked by project bac...
Striped bass diet, health, and movement patterns: Using science to inform management. Hampshire GazetteNortheastern UniversityWith 14 days left in the campaign, I still need to gene...
Here is my first video update just a few days into the campaign. As you will see, I am answering questions asked by viewers of this project. So please post a comment below if you have a question yo...
Check out this new article about my project from Northeastern University! www.northeastern.edu
Any donation amount is greatly appreciated and will go a long way towards the success of this project! Also, everyone who contributes will receive regular updates about the project as it progresses...
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