Lauren Berkley

Lauren Berkley

Burlington, Vermont

University of Vermont

M.S. Student


Published on May 16, 2024

Thesis Defense

Hello! It has been a while. I have been very busy over the past year as I have been finishing up this project. I am writing to invite you all to the defense of my Master's thesis this upcoming Mond...

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Published on May 11, 2023

Presenting at the Northeast Natural History Conference

Hi all! I had an excellent time presenting my work on cervid pathogens at the Northeast Natural History Conference on April 21-23 and meeting several folks interested in wildlife health.I am also p...

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Published on Jan 03, 2023

Collecting more samples

Hi all! I am excited to share that it was a very busy fall. I assisted in coordinating the collection of samples from hunting check stations throughout New England, and was lucky enough to attend s...

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Published on Oct 02, 2022

Lab work is well underway!

A quick update from the Cervid Pathogens Project here. I am working hard on screening the samples from my generous collaborators, as well as preparing to obtain more samples from hunting check stat...

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Published on Jul 01, 2022

Thank you!

To our supporters, I can't thank you enough for helping to get our project fully funded. Because of your support, we received an additional award from the Wildlife Disease Association through the W...

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Published on Jun 01, 2022

Video Transcript

Hi folks! Unfortunately, I have run into some issues with adding subtitles to the video on our page. While I sort out these technical issues, please reference the following video transcript.Oh hey,...

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