Manchester, UK
University of Manchester
Dr Jonathan Ritson is a research fellow at the University of Manchester where he works on greenhouse gas removals through novel peatland restoration methods as well as developing funding models for increasing biodiversity and carbon sequestration in diverse landscapes. His focus on the project is the biogeochemistry of peatland systems and he has published widely on the topics of peatland carbon fluxes, monitoring techniques, peatland water quality and historical changes in biodiversity. Jonathan holds a PhD in environmental engineering from Imperial College London and previously worked for Green Alliance, the oldest environmental think tank in the UK. Jonathan’s work on developing funding models for peatland restoration schemes, both in the UK and internationally, will help rapidly scale up the project results once methane removal rates have been quantified. He has an existing network of commercial interests working in this field who have sought his advice to optimise carbon balances of projects, develop funding models and thus realise revenue streams.
Jonathan has a strong track record in translating research findings into actionable advice to research users, as well as communicating findings to third sector organisations and the public. Jonathan has recently received consultancy awards of >£200k from the WWF, Falklands Conservation and The Wildlife Trusts to advise on carbon offsetting and peatland restoration. These roles led to an invitation to brief the UK government Cabinet Office and invited talks to industry, academia and third-sector organisations and influenced the investment strategy of the charities advised. Jonathan holds a qualification in project management and will be responsible for risk management and meeting deadlines.
September 2024
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