Austin, USA
The University of Texas at Austin
M.S. Mechanical Engineering student
My main professional and academic experience has been focused on incorporating technological solutions to different industries through data engineer and machine learning techniques. I own 2 startups in the tech-med industry, one in the solar energy industry and I was a part-time professor at Universidad San Francisco de Quito. My two MS were focused on Biomedical Robotics and Neural Engineering with a focus on ML techniques. Here I have worked in several research projects related with using brain computer interfaces to improve the functional recovery of post-stroke hemiparetic patients. My last MS thesis is based in using advanced machine learning algorithms to manipulate human organs and tissues for surgical robots. Overall, I have 8+ years of professional experience in data engineering and machine learning engineering.
1. Chapter XX: Ecuador a promising country for neurorehabilitation engineering success. Book: Rehabilitation Robots for Neurorehabilitation in High, Middle and Low Income countries: A roadmap for Engineers and Clinicians. Lead author. Elsevier. October, 2023.
2. Deep RL simulation framework for manipulating deformable objects for surgical robotics, conference paper.
3. BioGIGA: 6-DoF grasp detection via implicit representation with a human-like manipulator. Lead author,
4. Functional stroke recovery for post-stroke patients using brain computer interfaces (BCI), Conference paper, The University of Texas at Austin. Robotics Portfolio research day.
5. An intent shoulder exoskeleton using brain computer interfaces. Conference paper. The University of Texas at Austin. CARE Research Day.
6. DueƱas, G. G. I. (2016). Acoustic Standing Waves Modelling in Gas Solid Fluidized Beds (Doctoral dissertation, UNIVERSIDAD SAN FRANCISCO DE QUITO).
June 2023