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The hallmark of any good study is replication. We felt pretty good about the conversion factor that we derived with our first collection of surgical videos. The correlation between the predicted sc...
It worked! We calculated a regression equation using crowd score and video length topredict expert score (Predicted Score = constant +a*Video_seconds +b*Crowd_mean). This equation generated a predi...
Today we are going to talk about another possible way to make the data that we have about resident surgical performance more predictive of expert assessment of surgical skill. We saw that crowds ar...
This result suggest a few things: it suggests that time (an easily captured measurement) should be explored as a potentially robust indicator of surgical skill, either independently or in combinati...
Well, the data are in... and the mean crowd scores (red) ARE correlated with the mean expert scores (blue)! It is pretty clear when you look at the graphic... the higher the expert score the higher...
Congratulations to our expert reviewers who completed their task of each assessing the 50 videos prior to October 13!! Not only were the assessments completed on schedule, but the preliminary analy...
I just wanted to send a quick update to let everyone know where we stand.Video editing: COMPLETE. (Thank you, Tejas!)Video upload to CSATS: COMPLETE. (Grace is on top of everything)Lay rater evalua...
What we really want to know is what a resident surgeon can accomplish in terms of surgical outcomes. Were there complications during or after surgery? How well does a patient see after cataract sur...
Let's talk about bias. We all have bias. Bias is why I am turning to the crowd, not just for assessments, but for funding. This project has been vetted before traditional study sections to procure...