Dr Chris Field is a researcher of plant and soil responses to nitrogen deposition and environmental change, based in the Department of Natural Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University. Chris collaborates with NGOs and UK and EU Government agencies by providing underpinning evidence on the risks to biodiversity from nitrogen deposition, and the development of new practices for the restoration and management of degraded peatlands. His research has been funded by Natural England, Interreg NW Europe, UK research councils, Innovate UK and Horizon Europe, receiving over £2 million in grant income. Chris sits on the steering committee of the Great Manchester Wetlands Partnership, the North West sub-group of the UK Government’s Lowland Agricultural Peat Task Force and led a work package on the Interreg funded ‘Care-Peat’ project with responsibility for the establishment of a monitoring programme including GHG emissions and the development of a UK ‘Carbon Farm’ with project partners that seeks to inform how alternative land management can mitigate GHG emissions. Chris is also lead author of the chapter on mires, bogs and fens in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe review of critical loads for nutrient nitrogen.
September 2024