Fiene Steinbrecher

Fiene Steinbrecher


Anglia Ruskin University, Jersey Zoo

PhD Student


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Sep 17, 2020


You are a star!I finally had a few days to process these amazing news. Reaching the stretched goal - AMAZING! I am blown away by the support I received from YOU, family, friends, colleges, and memb...

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Published on Sep 02, 2020

Let's reach for the stars

Stretching the funding goalToday we reached the targeted budgetI am still blown away by the support I received in such a short period of time. Family, friends, coworkers and the members of the publ...

Group 6 Copy 387
Published on Sep 02, 2020

Fully Funded!!! THANK YOU ALL!

I am blown away by the support form all of YOU, family, friends, coworkers and the members of the public. I couldn't have done it without you.But there is no time to rest just yet. There are still ...

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Published on Aug 27, 2020

Saliva collection training continues

Hello everyone, I have set the milestone to have at least 15 pied tamarins trained by the end of the month and although I am on track and almost there, I still need to pick the brain of some of the...

Group 6 Copy 494
Published on Aug 24, 2020

Für meine deutschen Freunde, Bekannte und Spender

Hier eine kurze Zusammenfassung meines Projektes auf deutschDer ZweifarbentamarinDer Zweifarbentamarin ist eine Affenart, die in der heutigen Zeit sehr zu kämpfen hat. In der Wildnis ist dieser kle...

Group 6 Copy 563
Published on Aug 20, 2020

Training - how I actually get saliva samples

Hey everyone, You are probably wondering how exactly I make the pied tamarins give me a saliva sample. To be honest, before I started I was wondering the same thing. But the answer is actually quit...

Group 6 Copy 296

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