Matthew  Akamatsu

Matthew Akamatsu

Dec 18, 2023

Group 6 Copy 1,141

And we're off!

We are so excited to get started with this project.

Project kickoff during lab retreat

On December 16, the lab got together in downtown Seattle for an end-of-year retreat. There, we used our discourse graph software to reflect on and summarize the work we've each done toward our projects.

Lab retreat complete with lab graph synthesis session! Michael, our Cybrarian, attended remotely.

For example, Valerie organized the results and conclusions from one of her projects:

Each red box links to a Result page, which is connected to the conclusion by a "Supports" relation.

Valerie also listed future projects, in the form of open research questions and Issues, which are motivated by hypotheses. We think that these Issues will help new researchers enter into a project with sufficient context to see the bigger picture.

The blue Issue box represents a granular mini-project that a new student could select.

We also brainstormed new names for our lab equipment 😄

Ruth Bader Droplet Generator as the favorite name for our PCR droplet generator?! (credit: Maggie)

Next on the docket:

  • Michael (our cybrarian) will use the video recording of our retreat to identify and implement improvements in speed, stability, and ease-of-use of our discourse graph plugin.

  • We'll spend next lab meeting collating and prioritizing the remaining Issues and research questions we created this past year. This curated list will become the Issues board that undergraduates can use to select their first micro-projects.

  • Interview some of the undergrads who applied to join the lab and select students to join in the new year!


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About This Project

Our 'graph-enabled idea board' serves as a hub for capturing excess research ideas, allocating microprojects, and properly attributing credit. We'd like to investigate its potential for enabling newcomers to quickly and effectively contribute to ongoing projects.

Blast off!

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