The last lap
Thanksgiving greetings to all project supporters! We are certainly thankful for the contributions you made to getting our project to this point. We have entered the final testing phase for the drug material that was prepared with your support. This is a study where the kidney cancer cell lines in which TIR-199 showed particular efficacy are grown inside hollow fibers. This is a different environment than the flat tissue culture ware that is used for basic experiments, and is thought to better reflect the 3-dimensional growth environment of an actual tumor. We have an 'inside' contact at the National Cancer Institute, and he has advised that the compound was on the testing schedule as of early November.
Also, the lab's research was featured in a public relations campaign that UC-Riverside does each year. Understandably, the editors were particularly interested in this project, so the video that was produced features TIR-199 prominently. There is a nice animation that shows how the drug works. You can find the video here:
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