Group 6 Copy 33
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  • 4. de Zúñiga, H. G., Correa, T., & Valenzuela, S. (2012). Selective exposure to cable news and immigration in the U.S.: The relationship between Fox News, CNN, and attitudes toward Mexican immigrants. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 56(4), 597-615. doi:10.1 080/08838151.2012.732138
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  • 8. Esses, V., Veenvliet, S., Hodson, G., & Mihic, L. (2008). Justice, morality, and the dehumanization of refugees. Social Justice Research, 21(1), 4-25. doi:10.1007/s11211-007-0058-4
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    About This Project

    This project aims to identify the major factors that predict people's attitudes toward immigrants and immigration, understand the relationships among these factors, and explore the role that different messages can play in shifting people's attitudes. This project is unique in examining factors from diverse research literatures, and testing messages that are often deployed in the media.

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