The main technologies that will be used for developing the project are based on FEM analysis using SOFA (Simulation Open Framework Architecture) software to modulate and capture the deformable properties of human tissues and python compatibles libraries to include a 3D da Vinci model that is able to interact and manipulate the deformable tissues.
Manipulating soft bodies in robotics and specially in simulation environments is highly complex and is a field that is in continuous evolution to obtain similar dexterity as human grasping and object manipulation. Furthermore, surgical robotics involve strong accuracy and precision on every task that has to be performed during a surgical procedure and has an enormous risk to the patient.
Pre Analysis Plan
The main objective is to simulate a soft tissue handling, cutting and suturing using this simulation environment and collect data from data from the experiments. Afterwards, similar experiments will be recreated using a real da Vinci Research Kit and collect the same parameters and data. Lastly, the real to simulation accuracy will be calculated to measure the feasibility that this can be applied in a near future for telemedicine and even small autonomous precedures.
Browse the protocols that are part of the experimental methods.