This experiment is part of the Zoos Challenge Grant. Browse more projects

Evaluating the Nutritional Status in Captive Saddle-billed Storks

Raised of $5,000 Goal
Funded on 12/18/16
Successfully Funded
  • $5,146
  • 102%
  • Funded
    on 12/18/16

A Copy of the Survey to be sent to all Holding Institutions

Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis

Diet and Health Survey 2015


As fecundity of this species in captivity is dropping from previous levels, and with the report of developmental abnormalities in recent hatchlings, there are concerns that there is a nutritional basis for these incidents.  Because the vitamin and trace mineral status of the female influences the nutritional status of the egg and thus the chick, we would like to establish normal vitamin and mineral blood values for this species.  In order to determine what are potentially expected normal blood values for Saddle-billed Storks Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis blood samples will be requested from all institutions holding this species, regardless of age or gender, this protocol and request will follow in conjunction with this survey. 


Institution Name: ____________________________________________________________


Individual filling out questionnaire: ______________________________________________

Contact information: __________________________________________________________


Number of Animals in Collection: ________________


ISIS Number

Studbook #



Number of living offspring



























Has this species ever reproduced successfully at your institution?             Y / N

If no, please provide details: _____________________________________________________________




If yes, please provide details: (i.e. with this pair, a previous pair, etc….)___________________________





Do you parent incubate or artificially incubate? __________________________________________


Do you typically parent rear or hand rear? _________________________________________________


Do you necropsy SB Stork eggs? Y / N

If no, please provide reason why _______________________________________________________

If yes, is this done by veterinary or husbandry staff? _______________________________________

                If veterinary, please provide copies of gross necropsy or histopath reports ______________



                If husbandry staff, please provide copies or a summary of any notes taken _______________


 Please detail egg losses below:


Number of Eggs Laid

Number of Eggs Hatched

Number of Eggs that did not hatch (of those that did not hatch, indicate if infertile, dead in shell, etc…)






















Any developmental or malpositions noted? Y/ N

If Yes, please detail individually and describe malposition/developmental abnormality ____________









What is the primary diet of your Saddle-billed Storks: (Please attach Diet Sheet if possible)








Do you alter this diet during breeding season? If so, please detail: _____________________________







Do you provide any supplementation? Y / N


If yes, please provide details: (i.e. brand name, nutrient breakdown, etc..): ______________________



What percentage of the diet do your birds typically consume overall? ___________________________


What percentage of each food item do the birds typically consume overall? _____________________





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