Does potato salad taste good?

American Institute of Picnic Food Chemistry (AIPFC)
San Francisco, California
Open Access
DOI: 10.18258/2681
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  • $104
  • 104%
  • Private
    Not Launched

About This Project

Have you ever wondered why people eat potato salad? For this project we want to determine if potato salad actually tastes good, or if maybe we were wrong to be eating it all this time. The internet loves potato salad.

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What is the context of this research?

There's a lot of talk these days about what to eat and why. We want to get to the heart of this question by exploring the taste of one of the most common food items: potato salad. Previous research has shown that 77% of Americans eat potato salad at least once a month. We want to determine, by buying a tub of potato salad and eating it, if potato salad is actually good. Then we'll publish our results it in a paper and become famous on the internet because potato salad is the new cats.

Note: 100% of the funds raised for this project will actually be donated to science. Sorry.

What is the significance of this project?

This work is critical because humans need sustenance to live, and we can't do critical work like sit around and help other people do science if we can't eat. The internet loves potato salad.

What are the goals of the project?

-1 tub of potato salad
-6 plastic forks, one for each member of the team
-Get people to care about real things like science instead of potato salad


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-Tweet this experiment page and we'll send you an Experiment sticker

-Give $50 and we'll say your name aloud in our morning stand-up ritual, and send you a sticker

-Give $100 and we'll send you an Experiment T-shirt, say your name aloud in our morning ritual, and send you a sticker

-Give $500 and we'll send you a video of us eating potato salad, send you a t-shirt, say your name aloud in our morning ritual, and send you a sticker

-Give $5,000 and we'll paint a mural of your face and hang it in the Experiment office until the end of time

-Experiment will match up to $5,000! (But actually!)

Note: 100% of the funds raised for this project will actually be donated to science. Sorry.

Meet the Team


Team Bio

Extensive background in potato taste research, including 2 years at Anthony Bourdain's Le Petate de Ciencia culinary chemistry school in France, and four years at University of Phoenix.

Lab Notes

Nothing posted yet.

Press and Media

Here's a bunch of articles that the media wrote about a very similar project that, as of now, has raised $40,000. Can we beat him? #potatoscience

Additional Information

Project Backers

  • 7Backers
  • 104%Funded
  • $104Total Donations
  • $14.86Average Donation
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