Hybrid Solar Chimney Power Plants: Advancing CH4 Removal and Renewable Energy with Enhanced Hydroxyl Radical Generation

Raised of $50,000 Goal
Funded on 10/17/24
Successfully Funded
  • $50,000
  • 100%
  • Funded
    on 10/17/24

About This Project

To have a tangible impact on atmospheric methane levels, we need big ideas, e.g., gigantic air-moving devices. Solar chimney power plants (SCPPs) have the potential but need innovative re-design and assessment of integrating efficient methane removal. We propose to integrate solar pond and UV at the entrance of SCPP to speed up methane removal via enhanced hydroxyl radical generation and airflow. New data is needed to inform the new development in this exciting technology.

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What is the context of this research?

Staying within the 2015 Paris Agreement goals of < 2.0°C of global warming requires drastic cuts in emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) and their removal from the atmosphere.

Methane (CH4) is a GHG with a much higher global warming potential (GWP) than CO2. In the first 20 years of emission, CH4 contributes 80 times more warming than the equivalent mass of CO2, whereas today CH4 contributes half as much warming as CO2.

The highest priority in reducing CH4 in the atmosphere is stopping emissions at the sources. But most CH4 emissions are infeasible to avoid, as they come from dispersed and dilute anthropogenic (e.g., livestock, landfills) and natural (e.g., wetlands, freshwaters) sources.

In this context, atmospheric methane removal (AMR) becomes compelling.

What is the significance of this project?

As shown in the cover image, we propose to develop synergies between AMR and passive giant air-moving devices (solar chimney power plants, SCPPs) to generate CO2-free electricity and boost AMR via enhanced generation of hydroxyl radical (•OH, “natural detergent” of the troposphere).

A 200 MW SCPP, generating 600 GWh of CO2-free electricity, can drive 6200 km3/yr airflow, like a giant vacuum cleaner. It can process 7600 tons/yr of CH4 (190 or 608 kt CO2-eq/yr based on 100 or 20 years GWP, respectively). 525 such SCPPs can remove about 0.1 Gt CO2eq/yr from AMR and reduce more than 0.1 Gt CO2eq/yr from the CO2-free electricity. This will contribute significantly to the gigaton level of annual CO2 removal if the world is to meet the Paris Agreement targets.

What are the goals of the project?

Our goal is to generate experimental data, including AMR efficacy, air-moving scalability, and the synergies, to inform the next phases of development of the proposed giant hybrid SCPPs (i.e., process design, techno-economic and life cycle analysis).

1. According to the equations: O3 + UV-light + H2O → O2 + •OH, and CH4 + •OH → CO2 + H2O, experiments will be conducted in a bench top chamber to acquire reaction kinetics of •OH generation and subsequent CH4 oxidation.

2. The bench top reaction kinetics data will be fed into the existing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models, which will facilitate new modelling and generate the much needed new data (e.g., the AMR rate and amount of a giant 200 MW device, and their influencing factors).


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We require essential manpower, specialized equipment and consumables for our experiments, including, 1) a 50% part-time research technician to set up and run the bench-top testing chamber in the first three months of the project; 2) various small items for the bench-top set-up (chamber enclosure, pumps, flow meters, gas pipelines, testing facilities, etc) and consumables for day-to-day experiments (gas cylinders, chemicals, PPE, etc).

The CFD modelling we proposed is computationally intensive. We have some in-house computational capabilities already, but we would utilize this budget to expand our access to more computing. We will also need a 25% part-time research assistant to conduct the CFD modelling for the entire project period.

Project Timeline

We anticipate the project will start in early 2025 and run for 12 months. The breakdown of the quarterly plan is shown in the Milestone list, with a tentative starting date of 01/Feb/2025.

Feb 01, 2025

Project Kick-Off

Apr 30, 2025

Bench-top experimental set-up completed and the first batch of reaction kinetics data produced.

Jul 31, 2025

6-Month Interim Report, including first batch of modelling data which integrates reaction kinetics and fluid dynamics.

Oct 31, 2025

Full set of data acquired, ready for systematic analysis.

Jan 31, 2026

1-Year Final Project Report, including all data and the analysis. And ready for the next phase.

Meet the Team

Wei Li
Wei Li
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor


The University of Edinburgh
View Profile

Wei Li

I am a senior lecturer in chemical engineering at the University of Edinburgh. I lead a research team of five PhD students and we work in the research field of methane greenhouse gas mitigation and remediation.

Trained as a chemical engineer and motivated by tackling global challenges such as climate change and air quality, I am interested and have extensive experience in advanced oxidation processes (AOP) – engineering of reaction systems and their applications in environmental remediations, utilising my experimental, engineering and modelling skills, which are evidenced by over 60 high impact publications and 2000 citations.

Since my first lectureship in 2015, I have secured £660K research funding as PI and £765K as Co-I, including a H2020-MSCA-RISE project where I led a 7-partner international consortium and worked in the early stage of research of solar updraft and photocatalysis for methane removal, which is the foundation for this proposed new idea. And very recently, a different proposal focusing on novel photocatalytic materials for methane removal was secured from the UK Greenhouse Gas Removal Hub (CO2RE).

Lab Notes

Nothing posted yet.

Additional Information

To assist the Review and Evaluation process, I respond directly to the evaluation criteria here:

• Innovation and Creativity

The proposal is developed from a novel and unique idea proposed by R. de Richter and T. Ming et al. in 2017. They suggested to utilise solar chimney power plants (SCPPs) as gigantic air-moving devices and integrate them with photocatalysis to remove methane. Since then, I have been collaborating with them and building up my independent research to develop this solution.

Instead of photocatalysis, we start to search for cheaper and more effective reactions and learn from what the nature does to remove methane in the troposphere. The answer is hydroxyl radical (•OH, known as “natural detergent”), which is the main sink of atmospheric methane.

In this project, we propose to integrate solar pond and UV at the entrance of SCPP to enhanced hydroxyl radical generation.

The integration also enables a promising synergy. The air entering the system will contain increased humidity, the water vapor will condense after entering the chimney at a certain height, release significant latent heat to the airflow, enhance the temperature difference between the top and bottom of the chimney, and boost the system's pumping force and airflow. The boosted airflow in the system can process more air (and more CH4), accelerate the chemical reactions and generate more power, resulting in higher CO2eq removal.

The idea integrates insights from multiple disciplines, e.g., engineering, thermodynamics, atmospheric chemistry, and will integrate more disciplines, including techno-economic and life cycle analysis, governance, engagement, perspectives, and justice to address the problem comprehensively in future phases.

• Feasibility and Technical Soundness

The proposed idea is based on sound foundations. The two single components, 1) solar updraft is established on demonstrated technology in the 1980s, 2) hydroxyl radical chemistry naturally exists in the troposphere and can be summarised using these two equations: O3 + UV-light + H2O → O2 + •OH, and CH4 + •OH → CO2 + H2O.

The methodology of this project includes three parts. 1) Based on our extensive experience of testing various gas reactions in an enclosed chamber, we will build a bench-top set-up to acquire reaction kinetics of •OH generation and subsequent CH4 oxidation considering the influence from different factors (i.e., humidity, UV intensity, O3 concentration). 2) We also have existing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models to calculate the fluid dynamics. The new and important variable is humidity. The potential latent heat will induce significant difference comparing to the previous models. 3) The CFD methods we developed allow the input of reaction kinetics (i.e., we can import reaction kinetics data into ANSYS FLUENT for numerical solutions by a user-defined function), so that we can model the SCPPs with combined fluid dynamics and chemical reactions. This is the ultimate step for this project to generate the much-needed new data (e.g. the AMR rate and amount of a giant 200 MW device, and their influencing factors) to inform further development.

The resources required to carry out the proposed research include manpower (a part-time research assistant, and a part-time research technician), computational resources, and a bench-top experimental set-up. These are all identified, budgeted and attainable in my institution. Gas analyser capable of analysing low concentrations of methane and other reaction species is already available in my lab.

• Potential for Technology to Scale

The scalability is challenged by the low concentration of methane in the air: ~2 ppm today, which means that large volumes of air must be processed to remove a meaningful amount of methane. The idea of this project - using solar energy to move and clean large volumes of air - is best placed to solve exactly this challenge.

As elaborated earlier, a single 200 MW SCPP can drive airflow of 6200 km3/yr. It can process about 190,000 tons CO2eq/yr considering GWP of CH4 over 100 years (up to 0.6 Million tons Co2eq considering GWP over 20 years). 525 such SCPPs can remove about 0.1 Gt CO2eq/yr from AMR and avoid the emissions of more than 0.1 Gt CO2 by the renewable energy produced.

The process proposed will remove not only CH4, but also provide many co-benefits such as the removal of VOCs and CO, and consume surface ozone (O3) which is also a GHG.

Research on this proposed idea is just beginning. This project aims to generate experimental data to inform the next stage of development (i.e., process design, techno-economic and life cycle analysis), and to identify and address potential technical or market barriers.

Beyond this project, we aim to 1) design and demonstrate a prototype, 2) assess techno-economic, life cycle, and environmental impact, 3) model regional and global climatic impacts, and 4) develop a business model for commercialisation.

• Impact on Greenhouse Gas Removal Acceleration to Scale

Over the project period, we aim to generate the following essential experimental data, 1) the reaction kinetics of •OH generation and subsequent CH4 oxidation, 2) the rate and scale of air movement and CH4 removal efficiency of a giant hybrid SCPP.

The new data will inform the next stage of development and significantly accelerate efforts to scale this technology.

Beyond this project, we have a clear path to further advance this technology as described earlier.

• Strength of Team and Plan

Team expertise and project plan are presented in the sections of Project Timeline and Meet the Team.

Risk management is an essential part of any research project. I have extensive experience to put contingency plans in place. For example, part-time researchers for short period are difficult to recruit, I have already identified suitable candidates in my institution to take up the positions. To ensure smooth construction of bench-top testing systems and minimise any possible delays, we have multiple design options as back-ups.

Project Backers

  • 0Backers
  • 100%Funded
  • $50,000Total Donations
  • $0Average Donation
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