Yan: Dissatisfied with my science education in high school, I dropped out at 16 and ended up at MIT. There I got a B.S. in Physics, worked for MIT Admissions as a blogger, started the MIT Society for Open Science, and did odd things like implement RSA in Scheme due to peer pressure. After 4 months as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow at Stanford in experimental cosmology, I left and became a self-taught freelance web developer. Thinking about machine learning, transparency in research, and ways for science to leverage the human connectivity of the Internet keeps me up at night.
Justin: I'm a full-stack developer & scientist that spends a lot of time doing a mix of research, analysis, and engineering. You'll usually find me coding in Ruby, Clojure and Javascript. Recently, my research has pushed me into C, Julia, CUDA and Python. After starting a Y Combinator startup and working on technical problems in the automotive, software and pharmaceutical industries, I'm excited to be tackling problems in synthetic biology, cancer pathology and proteomics from a computational perspective. I'm currently doing research at Stanford in the Radiology Department.
March 2013