University of South Carolina
Ph.D. Student
I am currently a first-year Ph.D. Student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of South Carolina. I have been awarded Grace Jordan McFadden Professor Program Fellowship by the Graduate School at UofSC. Before joining Ph.D., I worked as an adjunct faculty and research associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of South Carolina. I completed my Master's in Aerospace Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University with minor in Computational Engineering. I have completed my Bachelor's in Aeronautical Engineering from Anna University, India. I have previously worked in Hindustan Aeronautical Limited in Bangalore as a Graduate Trainee in the Engine division. I have always been fascinated by gas turbine engines and been working in the field of heat transfer and turbo-machinery for the last four years. I have ventured into micro-channel and simulated nuclear fuel rod studies since February 2018 at the University of South Carolina. I have received several awards and accolades for my outstanding research and community outreach during my B.E and MS.
I am venturing into the upcoming and promising arena of incorporation of Artificial Intelligent systems in Heat transfer Enhancement studies with a motive of providing a safer environment for experimenters working in a hazardous environment and save valuable experimenter's time by using monitoring systems for the experiment.
I aspire to be a Professor moving forward in the field of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. I would like to create STEM outreach for young girl students and provide job opportunities for Women in Engineering.
August 2018