Associate Professor at University of Porto, Affiliate Professor at University of Montana, Affiliate Curator at the Cornell Museum of Vertebrate/University of Cornell, Vice-director of CIBIO, Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources/InBIO Associate Lab, and director of the Biological Station of Mertola. PI of Conservation Genetics and Wildlife Management research group, at CIBIO/InBIO, UP. My main research field is conservation genetics, ecology and wildlife management, in particular lagomorphs (rabbits and hares), small mammals and carnivores. Recent research projects focus on developing and using genetic non-invasive sampling for studying rare or elusive animals (e.g. carnivores, small mammals), detecting and evaluating the impact of hybridization in natural populations, studying the population dynamics and ecology of managed and threatened species, and ONE HEALTH. Author of over 200 scientific publications, including books, book chapters, papers in peer-reviewed journals (SCI), and outreach. Associate editor of the European Journal of Wildlife Research, Member of the Lagomorph Specialist Group from UICN and president of the WLS - World Lagomorph Society.