I completed my PhD at the University of Queensland (Australia) in
2015 and my primary interests relate to symbiosis in the marine
environment. Specifically, I focus on photosynthetic symbioses between
invertebrates (including corals, jellyfish, and anemones) and marine
algae, and how these interactions will reorganise under a changing
climate. I target research questions which can resolve how symbiotic
organisms with complex life cycles are integrated across generations and
the key traits that are required for a working, resilient, and
ecologically successful mutualism. With the rate of environmental
change, this unfortunately also extends to diagnosing the breakdown and
dysfunction of marine symbioses. My research has taken me to locations
such as the Great Barrier Reef, Hawaii, New Caledonia, and most recently
in Sydney Harbour with the Future Reefs team of the Climate Change
Cluster (C3) at the University of Technology Sydney.
August 2016