Atlanta, GA
Georgia Institute of Technology
PhD Student
I am a PhD Candidate in Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology.
I began my PhD in 2014. Upon entering my program I was quickly faced with sexual violence. I developed this project and found advisors. Unfortunately, one of my male advisors began abusing/belittling/gaslighting me about a year ago. His exact statement to me: "Anyone could put dendrons on the chain-ends of PDMS if they wanted to".
I have since left his lab and am now in the position where I am in need of some extra support so that I can finish my Thesis.
I am here to prove to myself that you can exist as a woman in STEM in the face of men's violence against women. I am here to prove to the world that women can be great scientists despite facing violence and belittling from the men around them.
September 2017