Adjunct Professor at the University of Brasilia. She has expertise in Psychodrama and Health Education, and has a Master's in Clinical Psychology, and PhD in Human Development and Health (2007) . She is currently a post-doc in the department of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences at the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University, New Orleans. She served as technical advisor for the National STD / AIDS Program of the Ministry of Health of Brazil (2001-2004) and the International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment (ICAP), Columbia University in Mozambique where she was responsible for Counseling, Adherence and Psychosocial Support (2005 -2009). She served as a Supervisor in the Multidisciplinary Residency at the University Hospital of Brasilia with emphasis on oncological care and cardio-pulmonary response from 2010-2015 . She coordinates Brazil's cooperation project with Mozambique, Pro-Mobility CAPES / AULP since 2014. She coordinates the working groups: "Integra: Group of Studies and Intervention in Psychology, Cronicity and Health Public Policy" (2013) and "Welcome: Psychological Attention for people living with pain and chronic diseases "(2010). Areas of expertise: Health Psychology, Health Promotion, Health Education.