School For the Environment, University of Massachusetts, Boston
I am a PhD student and also a teaching assistant at University of Massachusetts, Boston. I am the CEO of Macajo Farm ( a catfish aquaculture production and processing farm in Nigeria. I am passionately committed to the industry because I believe it offers a significant way forward to meet the food security needs of countless poor people, and at the same time, reduce pressure on marine capture fish stocks. I have over nine years of experience, working in the sector, and I have consistently proven throughout my previous studies and working experience that when presented with an opportunity I strive as hard as I can to justify the support of those who have granted me a chance to prove myself. Despite personal financial hardship and the economic recession in my country, I have always done what I believed to be necessary to further my professional development. This includes studying for a part-time distance learning MSc degree in sustainable aquaculture at the Scottish University of St Andrews whilst pursuing my career as a full-time fish farmer. I am now advancing my career a step higher by undertaking a PhD degree at the University of Massachusetts Boston in eradicating poverty through sustainable aquaculture development in Nigeria, because I realize that only with such a doctorate will I be able to make a real difference to the development of aquaculture in Nigeria.
April 2020
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