Dr. Lee Ann J. Clement received her B.A. in Biology from the University of Virginia, her M.S. and PhD from the University of South Carolina in Marine Science. Her research interests are focused around the physiology and ecology of echinoderms, specifically the process of regeneration in brittle-stars and sea-stars. She actively encourages undergraduate research since her early experience at UVA was so rewarding. Projects include investigating the role of metallic pollutants in altering development, the effects of environmental variability on skeletal regeneration, the role of genetics in determining regeneration rates and the effects of ocean acidification on regeneration and growth of brittle-stars. She teaches Oral Communication in the Biological Sciences, Biological Oceanography and Coral Reef Ecology. Her goal is to get upper-division majors to apply their basic core knowledge to real data and situations so they can function as professionals in their chosen field. She uses various methods including lectures, student presentations, laboratory experiments, library research, and primary literature reading with discussion. In addition to her role as Professor of Biology and Marine Science, Dr. Clements is Chair the Division of Science and Math.
May 2015