Starting with IGN-TTRC as the consortium to improve teaching, training and research collaborations through mutual trust and support within the partners universities. Many activities already hold with the main activity was teaching and training that divided into five modules for five years at two different universities, Brawijaya University and Andalas University. One of the aims for this consortium is to designed and established long term scientific cooperation between Indonesian partners as well as between Indonesian and the University of Kassel. As the follow up of that aim, the consortium tries to develop and deepen the collaboration through larger scope of activity especially focusing on researches collaboration. The partners universities is realized that the networking must not stop until the five module completed but need to deepen and keep in more flexible format with the Indonesian – Germany Networking as the basic fundamental. With this concept, hopefully it will create more fascinating activities that bring a lot of advantages.
Till now, there is some changes in the consortium members with several universities enter as a new member. The consortium currently consists of the following members:
Univeritat Kassel, represent by Prof. Dr. Nellen, Gunter Backes Brawijaya University, represent by Prof. Fatchiyah Andalas University, represent by Prof. Ari Jamsari Mulawarman University, represent by Prof. Krishna Purnawan Candra Sam Ratualangi University, represent by Dr. Trina Tallei Jember University, represent by Dr. Kartika Senjarini Airlangga University, represent by Dr. Bambang Irawan Gadjah Mada University, represent by Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri Jend. Soedirman University, represent by Condro Wibowo Ph.D. State University of Malang, represent by Sri Rahayu Lestari, M.Si. Ma Chung University, represent by Tatas Hardo P. B., Ph.D Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, represent by Yunus Effendi Ph.D.April 2016