I'm an Associate Research Biologist and Center Associate at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis and a member of the Center for Marine Assessment and Planning at UC Santa Barbara. In my research, I work to quantify the ways humans depend upon and impact marine species and ecosystems; understand the spatial distribution of ecological and human components of ecosystems in order to inform conservation and management; and through partnerships, develop ways to integrate biophysical and socioeconomic data to support environmental decision-making in coastal ecosystems. My research has been aimed at informing marine protected area design, ecosystem based management, and marine spatial planning. I currently leads a large, multi-institution collaboration called the Ocean Tipping Points project, which is aimed at integrating our growing understanding of tipping points in marine ecosystems into ocean management through practical tools and approaches. I also serves on the Science Advisory Council for SNAP: Science for Nature and People, and provide facilitation services to SNAP working groups, drawing upon my experience participating in and leading NCEAS working groups and other interdisciplinary, collaborative team science projects over the years. I'm passionate about helping diverse groups come together to solve challenging problems. I received my B.S. from Brown University and my Ph.D. from Stanford University and spent five years in between working as an environmental educator for the Teton Science Schools, Ogden Nature Center, and as an independent consultant. I continue to contribute to environmental education as a Board Member of Ecology Project International, a nonprofit whose mission is to improve and inspire science education and conservation efforts worldwide through field-based student-scientist partnerships.
January 2016