Bryan S. Margulies

Bryan S. Margulies

Syracuse, NY


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Published on Feb 13, 2015

New wind and a new focus.

Science is humbling. Experiments often don't work or if they do work the results are impossible to interpret. Most of the grants that we write don't get funded and the papers that we write and subm...

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Published on Feb 02, 2015

This work is part of the effort to apply precision medicine.

Our proposed work will allow us to distinguish between healthy mesenchymal stem cells versus impaired mesenchymal stem cells, the later of which we have identified in patients with failing total jo...

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Published on Jan 26, 2015

Impaired self-renewal in the stem cells derived from patients with failing implants.

Stem cells possess several critical properties that we use to define a population of cells as being stem cells. One of those properties is known as lineage potential: stem cells can become either a...

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Published on Jan 22, 2015

What does a failed hip implant look like and why should we be concerned?

These are x-ray images of two hip implants in comparison to a normal hip joint (far left). In the healthy hip joint bone closely surrounds the implant and there are no visible gaps between the impl...

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Published on Jan 22, 2015

Discovering a novel mesenchymal stem cell marker.

These are high resolution images of a novel stem cell marker that we identified in mesenchymal stem cells. The marker, nucleostemin, is located in the nucleolus, which is a structure located in the...

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Published on Jan 21, 2015

Mesenchymal stem cells collected from patients are still stem cells.

With aging or disease mesenchymal stem cells located in the bone marrow can default to a fat cell phenotype versus a bone cell phenotype. When we speak of stem cells ability to become many differen...

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Published on Jan 21, 2015

Some of the bone surrounding the failing implant is dead.

This figure shows a fragment of bone collected next to a failing total joint implant. The blue staining on there periphery are cell nuclei (DAPI). The green staining is for the protein 3-nitrotyros...

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Published on Jan 20, 2015

What cells are present in the bone marrow surrounding failing total joint implants?

Final post of what happens to the cells, osteoclasts, that normally degrade bone and have been hypothesized to degrade bone at an accelerated rate in a failing join implant. These figures are all d...

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Published on Jan 20, 2015

There are fewer cells that drive bone loss in the tissue surrounding failing implants. So why do they fail?

In this figure we show what results when there is increased osteprotegerin (OPG) expression. (A) The graph on the left shows that the progenitor cells derived from patients undergoing a revision su...

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