Dr. Brian Linkhart is a professor of Organismal Biology and Ecology at Colorado College. Brian has been researching flammulated owls in Colorado since 1981, and his research has led to the implementation of important conservation and management techniques by the forest service. Publications include:
Linkhart, B. D., J. W. Fox, and S. W. Yanco. 2016. Migration timing and routes, and wintering areas of Flammulated Owls. Journal of Field Ornithology 87(1):42-54.
Yanco, S. W., and B. D. Linkhart. Habitat selection by Flammulated Owls in a post-fire landscape. Studies of Western Birds.
Linkhart, B. D., and R. T. Reynolds. 2007. Rate of return, fidelity, and dispersal in a breeding population of Flammulated Owls. Auk 124:264-275.
Linkhart, B. D., and R. T. Reynolds. 2006. Lifetime reproduction of Flammulated Owls in Colorado. Journal of Raptor Research 40:29-37.
Linkhart, B. D., and R. T. Reynolds. 2004. Longevity of Flammulated Owls: Additional records and comparisons to other North American strigiforms. Journal of Field Ornithology 75:192-195.
Linkhart, B. D., R. T. Reynolds and R. A. Ryder. 1998. Home range and habitat of breeding Flammulated Owls in Colorado. Wilson Bulletin 110:342-351.
Linkhart, B. D., and R. T. Reynolds. 1987. Brood division and postnesting behavior of Flammulated Owls. Wilson Bulletin99:240-243.
Reynolds, R. T., and B. D. Linkhart. 1984. Methods and materials for capturing and monitoring Flammulated Owls. Great Basin Naturalist 44:49-51.
July 2018