William Brad Barbazuk

William Brad Barbazuk

University of Florida, Department of Biology and the UF Genetics Institute.

Associate professor


Haven't created any projects yet! 

Haven't backed any projects yet! 

No lab notes posted yet!

Adam: my response continues... So while it is true that mammals can regenerate individual tissues such as peripheral nerve and undergo compensatory hypertrophy there is no doubt that mammals have nowhere near the epimorphic abilities that salamanders do. In addition mammals tend to fibrose at...more
Dear Adam, you are, of course, correct in your comments as all animals on the planet can undergo some form of regeneration, known as physiological regeneration, to maintain homeostasis. The continual replacement of blood cells from the bone marrow, the continual replacement of epidermal cells fro...more
Hi Tim, Classical genetics should be possible, but there are no well established lab lines not genotyping as of yet. Here are some links to some recent papers you may find interesting! http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v489/n7417/full/nature11499.html http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi...more
Hi Tim - thanks for you interest and your question. So, we are really interested in doing a complete genome + annotation - and we are seeking support from additional funding sources to do this. For this competition we are requesting the materials to do a deep PacBio IsoSeq transcriptome. Our ra...more