Michele Losee

Michele Losee

New England, USA

BS - Biology -Texas Christian University MS - Environmental Policy and Management - American Military University PhD Student - Ornithology - Antioch University New England

PhD Student


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Published on Mar 25, 2015

Open Space Required

Golden Eagles are large birds with an average wingspan of 7 feet. This means they require open spaces to hunt their favorite food, jack rabbit. This photo is the view from a nest in northern AZ...v...

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Published on Mar 21, 2015

Spot the nest!?!

Golden Eagles prefer to nest in very remote areas far from human activity. They also nest in rough terrain to protect the nest from disturbance and predators such as fox.

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Published on Mar 18, 2015

Taking a blood sample.

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Published on Mar 13, 2015

Approximately 7-week-old nestling going back to the nest with his transmitter. This was 3k male that successfully fledged and is now being monitored by USFWS.

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Published on Mar 11, 2015

Golden Eagle Field Work - The guys from AZ Game & Fish Department preparing to enter a nest to fit the nestling with a transmitter.

Golden Eagle Field Work - The guys from AZ Game & Fish Department preparing to enter a nest to fit the nestling with a transmitter.

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Published on Jul 01, 2013

I see dead things!

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Published on Jun 21, 2013

Last Note from the Field!

Greetings all! This portion of my data collection is finished for this season! In total, I collected prey remains from six active Golden Eagle nests. The information from just those six has reve...

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Published on Jun 15, 2013

Back from the Field!

Greetings!I am back from one of my trips in the field! It was a great experience and I collected plenty of prey remains. I visited three nests, one was recently failed and the other two had one mal...

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Published on Jun 03, 2013

Thank you to my first funder!

Greetings!I am thrilled my first donation has been pledged! It is exciting to know that people care about Golden Eagles as much as I do! I am leaving for the field on June 10th for four days to col...

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These blood samples were collected for another researcher...I believe it was for a genetic study. More researchers are using 'genetic relatedness' to examine species dispersal and distribution. It can also quantify the proportion of inbreeding to examine the status of a population.
Karen, tell your son, Noah, thank you very much! I am very impressed with such a young man willing to give money that could be spent on something he wants but instead, spent on a great cause such as saving eagles. It gives me hope that someone young values this great birds as much as I do! And, t...more