Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated by the environment and the Ocean and all that loves within it. I have strong leadership skills through my work back ground, business dealings, leaderships in multiple voluntary organizations, and my own experiences in life learned lessons. I am quite analytical by nature and see every problem as only a solution that has yet to be found. When working as a leader or team player, I seek to both lead and work under good ethics of can do, will do, and that of building motivation through team spirit. I am of personal mind set, that my word is my bond, that when worthy of trust I do not take that trust given me lightly and see that trust given as a form of contract, and that's usually my motivator for myself, as I believe in a good name and good character. With my diverse work and play history, everything from a Captain sailing the high seas in the north Atlantic, to the Caribbean Sea. Avionics and meteorology, design, innovation and concepts, to heavy equipment, sky scrapers, real estate, and self employment of business combined. To leadership roles of marine organizations and properties, from finance and special estate planning to sales, all with an equally diverse education, I utilized and draw upon these tools every day in most anything I do. I am a realist, a problem solver, a person innovation that looks to apply always the right solution.
February 2014