Micaiah Ward

Micaiah Ward


Haven't created any projects yet! 

Haven't backed any projects yet! 

No lab notes posted yet!

ahaha!! Man, now that would be a feat! (pun intended) Lucky for them, their legs are silky smooth :-) Thank you so much for the generous pledge! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support.
Thank you so much for the contribution and interest in this work! We are very excited to get started. Keep your eye out for a new video and lab notes coming soon!
Thanks Chad! I really appreciate all your support!
As far as I know, the largest centipede species is the Giant Centipede (Scolopendra gigantea), which live primarily in South America. I've read they can reach nearly 45cm (~18in) and feed on small bats! Check out the link in the Abstract that shows a Giant Centipede hunting and consuming its prey...more