Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Fiocruz
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of São Paulo (2002), with a specialization in wildlife clinical care and management from the São Paulo Zoo Foundation. Completed a doctorate in the Department of Pathology at FMVZ-USP, focusing on animal parasitology and conservation medicine of non-human primates. For two years, coordinated and performed veterinary activities in a wildlife translocation project involving primates.
Served as the technical lead and coordinator of conservation medicine activities at the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Institute (IDSM) in Tefé, Amazonas. Since 2015, has been a researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), starting in the Institutional Biodiversity and Health Program. Currently, is part of the Laboratory of Comparative and Environmental Virology (LVCA/IOC) at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz), conducting research in animal virology and teaching in the IOC's Biodiversity and Health Graduate Program.
Also coordinates the "Monitoring Network in Ecology and Zoonoses in the One Health Approach" at IOC/Fiocruz, is a member of the Animal Use Ethics Committee (CEUA/Fiocruz), serves on the Board of the Wildlife Disease Association Latin America Section (WDA-LA), and is an associate researcher at the Brazilian Institute for Conservation Medicine Tríade.
May 2019
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